How I Got Started in Photography

This is going to be a lengthy one so buckle up!

Not sure if anyone knows this but I’m a big time horse girl. Super nerdy, played ponies at recess obsessed horse girl. Yeah, the weird one.

When I got my first horse he was very young and inexperienced. And I, being very young and inexperienced, had a lot of issues with this horse. This is where all the horse people go - duh! but I DIDN’T KNOW IT WAS A TERRIBLE IDEA AT THE TIME! Hindsight really is 20/20.

Anyway, so this horse was pretty big and really rude, me not knowing anything found this really nice lady to work with and take lessons from, only thing is, she lived in Washington. Washington STATE. She invited me to work with her over the summer, and my family actually agreed to let me.

I flew out there, so naive to life, had an absolute blast. I wont bore you with all those details, but it was a wild time. She had a very nice camera. At this point in my life I hadn’t ever picked up anything more than a disposable camera, so all the buttons were very confusing. I just started playing with it and showed her the pictures. She ended up loving them. Her and her husband bought me a camera for my birthday! I think I was 13 or 14.

I used it a bunch. Joined the yearbook team in high school. It was always a hobby I enjoyed but never really pursued.

Fast forward to college, I missed taking pics! Slowly got back into it and got into portrait photography. I got hired at a local company to assist wedding photographers, then second shoot, then be the lead photographer for weddings! I got published by a few magazines, which was wild! It was 2017 when I started doing weddings.

I ended up leaving the company to finally pursue my own business! Took the leap of faith and here I am. If you’re still with me, high five, you made it! Thanks for listening to my crazy story!


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